New Musk 84ml
New Musk 84ml
New Musk Cologne by Prince Matchabelli, This distinctive scent, New Musk brings out sensuality and excitement. Its most intense note is musk, making it earthy and enchanting, while inherently masculine. As a cologne, it stands out against others, making a statement when you enter a room. Since ancient times, musk has been used in aromatherapy. Its soothing effects are documented throughout history. This fragrance comes without being pretentious. In addition to notes of musk, it containssandalwood, vanilla and black currant. It is best for everyday use, but can be used as a cologne for date nights as well as in the office.
Prince Matchabelli is a perfume house that specializes in affordable colognes and perfumes. In a minimalistic white bottle with the name of the perfume in bold red, its scent is what makes the biggest statement. They design unique, soothing fragrances with affordability in mind. This cologne launched in 2000 and remains a popular choice among men.